Add Ghost comments to Ali Abdaal theme

In v5.9.0 (released August 2022), Ghost added native comments.

Native comments are supported in v1.3.0 of the Ali Abdaal theme but if your site is running a previous version, you can add native Ghost comments very easily.

Open post.hbs and go to line 143. You'll see code for Cove comments already in the theme:

{{#if @custom.cove_id}}

<h2 class="toc-exclude"><span id="cove-count"></span> {{t "Comments"}}</h2>

{{^if @member}}
  <p><a href="" data-portal="signup">{{t "Sign up"}}</a> {{t "or"}} <a href="" data-portal="signin">{{t "Sign in"}}</a> {{t "to join the conversation."}}<br>

<div id="cove"></div>

{{#if @member}}
  <p>{{t "Signed in as"}} {{}} · <a href="#" data-members-signout>{{t "Sign out"}}</a></p>

const Cove = {
  contentId: "{{id}}",
  memberId: "{{@member.uuid}}",
  memberEmail: "{{}}",
  memberName: "{{@member.firstname}}"


To add native comments, you can remove the code above and replace it with the following:

{{#if @site.comments_enabled}}
    {{#if comments}}

This will enable Ghost comments on every post, which looks like this: